Lynn M. Dixon- Author
  A Golden Leaf in Time Revised/   Warm Intrigues/ A Continuum/   Musings: Blogs & Tweets
Tyre's Girls- Phoenix in Boston


From: Chapter 16- Phoenix- Rook 2

Phoenix walked down Boylston Street, stopping briefly in the Main Library. How could she not? She was a forever librarian. She knew she would not check anything out as a visitor, but she enjoyed browsing the New Books shelves just to see what was new and hot off the presses.

After leaving the library, she crossed Boylston and went into The Old South Church. It was free and open to the public, so she went in and sat quietly on a pew. She looked around and felt the Holy Spirit breathe on her as she stared up at the beautiful stained-glass windows.

She said prayers for herself, for Tyre, Rachel, her mother and gave thanks that Daddy Elisha was now resting safely in heaven. She let out a sigh. He was not suffering anymore and once he saw that his son, Tyre, was in good hands, he let go. As he had said to Tyre, “My mission is complete.” She sat and reflected for a while. 


Tyre's Girls Website  

March 8, 2025